World Bank Backs Bosnia's Healthcare Boost

WASHINGTON, January 29, 2025-The World Bank's Board of Executive Directors approved today a $75 million Second Health Sectors Programmatic Development Policy Loan for Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). This is the second in a two-operation series designed to support BiH's efforts to strengthen the financial sustainability of its healthcare system and enhance the quality of health services for citizens.

The program supports enactment of policies aimed at improving the financial stability of health institutions by helping clear existing health sector arrears and establishing accountability and governance measures to prevent new ones. It also includes measures for better delivery of health services and preventive care, alongside reforms to improve environmental management and strengthen tobacco control.

"As we face an aging population and increasing fiscal pressures, investing in people's well-being is crucial for the benefit of the entire economy," said Christopher Sheldon, World Bank Country Manager for Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. "This program is a step forward in helping Bosnia and Herzegovina deliver better healthcare to its citizens. It also reaffirms our commitment to improving the quality of life and economic stability in the country."

This program complements the ongoing World Bank-funded Health Systems Improvement Project, and benefits from the technical assistance provided by the World Bank and other development partners to strengthen the health sectors.

The World Bank portfolio of active projects in BiH comprises eight operations totaling $475.30 million. Areas of support, in addition to healthcare, include employment, agriculture, local infrastructure, and environment.

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