World Bank Hosts 2nd Annual Digital Summit

Washington, March 18, 2025 - The World Bank Group convened the second annual Global Digital Summit today, bringing together public and private sector leaders to expand our digital technology initiatives and drive large-scale impact.

Around the world, the digital divide remains a pressing challenge, with 2.6 billion people still offline and many more lacking reliable, affordable connectivity and the skills needed to participate in an increasingly digital world. The World Bank Group-working in collaboration with our partners-is committed to closing this gap by accelerating the adoption of digital solutions, strengthening digital public infrastructure (DPI), and increasing digital access and use for women.

Efforts to enhance and expand the Accelerating Digitalization Global Challenge Program were a key focus of the summit. The program aims to help countries adopt digital solutions more rapidly and ambitiously. Its DPI components include digital IDs, payments, and data-sharing platforms that connect people to jobs, banking, healthcare, and education. Strengthening these digital enablers ensures that everyone can access these essential services securely and easily.

The Global Challenge Program also helps countries and regions expand their digital efforts by fostering innovation, sharing solutions across borders, and building integrated digital markets. Through shared infrastructure and regulatory harmonization, private sector participation becomes more feasible, unlocking economies of scale.

The Summit also marked the launch of a new initiative through the Digital Development Partnership with funding provided by the Gates Foundation to expand affordable connectivity and digital skills for women in low- and middle-income countries. This supports the World Bank's broader goal of connecting 300 million more women to broadband by 2030.

"Digital transformation is one of the greatest opportunities of our time to drive growth and inclusion, especially at a moment when development is at a critical inflection point," said Sangbu Kim, World Bank Vice President for Digital Transformation. "Digital technology can spark innovation, create jobs, and break down barriers to opportunity. With over 80 years of experience, the World Bank Group is uniquely positioned to help nations harness digital solutions for a more resilient future."

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