World-Class Tech Delivering Faster Care, Closer To Home

VIC Premier

The Allan Labor Government is investing in world-class health technology in Melbourne's north, getting locals the care they need faster and closer to home.

Minister for Health Mary-Anne Thomas marked six months since the delivery of a new Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography (PET/CT) scanner - supporting more than 1,100 patients since its arrival.

Located in a new purpose-built facility at the hospital's Epping campus, the PET/CT scanner means patients can get faster access to detailed scans to support timely diagnosis and treatment

It is on track to scan up to 2,500 patients each year, reducing the need for patients - many from regional areas north of Melbourne - to travel long distances for essential diagnostic scans.

The advanced imaging technology is used to diagnose and track various types of cancer, as well as diagnose heart disease, brain disorders and other conditions, such as inflammatory and infectious conditions.

By delivering clearer and more detailed imaging, the technology is helping specialists detect diseases earlier and develop more precise treatment plans.

The Victorian Budget 23/24 included $44 million to progressively rollout high-tech PET scanners to ensure Victorians get the care they need faster and closer to home.

PET/CT scanners are complex pieces of equipment that require specially designed infrastructure, including radiation shielding, nuclear medicine preparation areas, uptake rooms, and control areas, to ensure safe and effective operation.

The Labor Government has delivered more than $24 million in grants to Northern Hospital in Epping since 2016 to deliver new endoscopy suites and equipment, a PET-CT scanner, angiography suite upgrades including x-ray machine and updates to theatre equipment.

As stated by Minister for Health Mary-Anne Thomas

"This new high-tech equipment is already proving to be a game-changer helping clinicians diagnose and develop treatment plans faster, while ensuring Victorians don't need to travel to the inner city to access the care they need."

As stated by Member for Thomastown Bronwyn Halfpenny

"This cutting-edge technology at the Northern Hospital is a huge win for the community - giving patients faster answers, better treatment options and the peace of mind that comes with accessing world-class care close to home."

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