The Newport Community Hub will be in a flap on Saturday 11 May as bird enthusiasts, conservationists and local community members come together to celebrate World Migratory Bird Day.
The annual awareness campaign celebrates the departure of birds from Australian shores, as they commence their migration to breeding grounds in the northern hemisphere.
Environmental Sustainability Portfolio Holder and Mayor of Hobsons Bay Councillor Jonathon Marsden said the event is important to Council's Biodiversity Strategy as it highlights the need for the conservation of migratory birds and their habitats.
"Every year around September, birds that have travelled all the way from Alaska and Siberia begin to arrive on our shores," said Cr Marsden.
"We are fortunate here in Hobsons Bay as we have a number of foreshore areas that these birds call home, which is incredibly special.
"This event is about celebrating these birds and their impressively long journey back to the north".
Environmental Sustainability Portfolio Holder Cr Sandra Wilson said the event promised to be a day full of fun with a range of different activities for the whole family to enjoy.
"There will be a number of stalls, a fun activity for children to learn more about the red necked stint, a story time session and music performances from the Newport Community Choir and local artists 300 Seconds," said Cr Wilson.
"As a keen bird watcher, and knowing that habitat is under threat locally and globally, I look forward to celebrating the magnificent journey that some birds take, and increasing understanding of what we can all do to make a difference for birds that depend on our shores and wetlands.
"Presented by our passionate and knowledgeable Conservation Rangers, this is the perfect opportunity to learn more about our unique wildlife in a fun and interactive way."