Development consent has been given to construct a Combined Heat and Power Plant comprising a gas turbine (52-57 MW), Waste Heat Recovery Boilers (105MWsteam) and Steam Turbine (16MW). The project will be built on land within the south-eastern part of the Kemsley Paper Mill, Kemsley, Sittingbourne.
The application was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for consideration by DS Smith Paper Limited on the 06 April 2018 and accepted for examination on 26 April 2018. Following an examination, during which the public, statutory consultees and interested parties were given the opportunity to give evidence to the Examining Authority, a recommendation was made to the Secretary of State on 8 April 2019.
The Planning Inspectorate is committed to giving local communities the opportunity of being involved in the examination of projects that may affect them. Local people, the local authority and other interested parties were able to participate in the six month long examination. The Examining Authority listened and gave full consideration to local views before making their recommendation.
The Planning Inspectorate's Chief Executive, Sarah Richards said: "The Planning Inspectorate has again demonstrated its ability to examine nationally significant infrastructure projects within timescales laid down in the Planning Act 2008."
"This provides developers and investors with the confidence to build and improve the infrastructure this country needs to secure future economic growth."
The decision, the recommendation made by the Examining Authority to the Secretary of State and the evidence considered by the Examining Authority in reaching its recommendation is publicly available on the National Infrastructure Planning website.
Journalists wanting further information should contact the Planning Inspectorate Press Office, on: 0303 444 5004 or 0303 444 5005 or