This Sorry Day (26 May) and Reconciliation Week (27 May to 3 June), the City of Playford will be acknowledging our Stolen Generation with a light installation on the Windsor Carpark in the Elizabeth CBD.
The light installation will project the faces of local Stolen Generation survivors from Thursday 26 May to Saturday 28 May, 5.30pm to 9pm.
The installation will be accompanied by a five-part video series, tells the stories of five Stolen Generation women in the aim to educate the community on Australia's shared history making change towards achieving reconciliation.
Stolen Generation survivor Christine Doolan, who features in one of the videos, said it was important to recognise significant cultural events such as Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week to encourage community engagement.
"It is really important because time is running out for a lot of our old people," Christine said. "We want the next generation to understand what happened and how to educate themselves. Sharing our stories is our way of life, it is our opportunity for people to learn and be part of our shared history."
See the survivors stories below.
See the survivors stories below.