Wyndham City Launches Road Resurfacing Program

Wyndham City has made significant progress on its $3 million Road Asphalt Resurfacing Program for 2024/25, with several key works already completed and more scheduled to commence in the coming weeks.

This annual program gives local roads a new lease on life by replacing the top layer of asphalt, which enhances road durability and improves safety for all users.

Three sections of Tarneit Road (between Hogans Road and Abbotswood Drive) in Hoppers Crossing have recently been resurfaced, as well as Hogans Road (Gateway Lane to Deloraine Drive).

Over in Tarneit, the Wootten Road and Hogans Road intersection was resurfaced, as was Boardwalk Boulevard (Rowland Drive to Neptune Drive) in Point Cook.

Construction will commence on a further 11 road resurfacings across Hoppers Crossing, Laverton North, Manor Lakes and Tarneit over the coming weeks, with planning underway on four more road resurfacing projects in Werribee.

Wyndham City Mayor, Councillor Mia Shaw, said these works were an essential part of Wyndham City's Connecting Wyndham program, which aims to balance road renewal and maintenance with the City's growing infrastructure needs.

"By investing in road resurfacing now, Wyndham City is committed to creating safer, longer-lasting roads for residents and visitors alike," Cr Shaw said.

"Maintaining and improving Wyndham's road network is an ongoing priority for Council, and our Road Asphalt Resurfacing Program makes local roads smoother, safer and more enjoyable for everyday use."

"In addition, Council is investing $8.5 million over 2024/25 to rebuild local roads through our annual Road Reconstruction Program, with three road upgrades in Hoppers Crossing recently completed as part of this."

To see what roads are being resurfaced near you, check out the Capital Works Dashboard: https://www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/capitalworksdashboard

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