Wyndham Parks Get Glow-up

Wyndham City is pleased to announce that the $3.3 million annual Park Asset Renewal Program is in full swing, delivering exciting upgrades to parks and play areas across the municipality.

Recent improvements include a refreshed playground lookout tower at The Strand Park in Point Cook, new play equipment at Cambridge Crescent Park in Werribee, and an upgraded boardwalk at Barnstormer Boulevard in Point Cook.

The playground and landscaping at Werribee's College Road Kindergarten have also been enhanced, creating a better environment for children and staff, while new fitness equipment has been installed at Hemsley Promenade, offering the Point Cook community a revitalised way to stay active outdoors.

Wyndham City Mayor, Councillor Mia Shaw, said the improvements reflected Council's dedication to providing high-quality open spaces for residents.

"Our parks and playgrounds play a vital role in bringing the community together, and these upgrades ensure families can continue to enjoy safe and modern outdoor spaces," Cr Shaw said.

Looking ahead, further upgrades are planned for Pierbrook Avenue Park in Manor Lakes and Latham Street Reserve in Werribee, with work to begin in early to mid-2025.

Keep up to date with the continued progress on this and Wyndham City's other capital works projects at: www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/capitalworksdashboard

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