WYNtalk Cultural Yarn With Uncle Pakana

Wyndham City is delighted to be hosting the annual free WYNTalk: Cultural Yarn with Uncle Charles Pakana, a Journey to Reconciliation: Finding Our Voice.

The event features proud Aboriginal man Uncle Charles Pakana of Tasmanian descent, who identifies strongly as a Victorian Aboriginal man. Uncle Charles is the second of three generations of Aboriginal journalists and brings a passionate commitment to truth and positivity to Wyndham's, WYNTalk event to be held on Tuesday 23 July 2024 from 5.30pm to 7.30pm at Point Cook Library, 1-21 Cheetham Street, Point Cook.

Wyndham City Mayor Cr Jennie Barrera said: "Uncle Charles Pakana is a strong advocate for Aboriginal people and is well known within the Victorian Aboriginal community."

"He also founded and owns Connection Matters radio and is host of 3KND - a first nations media program, an author and regularly speaks at events."

"The Cultural Yarn will focus on Finding our Voice, to encourage conversations and discussion and fosters an in-depth learning environment that acknowledges, respects and values Aboriginal culture and identity."

"His cultural knowledge together with his dynamic presentation and talk 'Journey to Reconciliation: Finding Our Voice' will be thought-provoking and will promote discussion about the forward journey to reconciliation in Australia."

This session includes a Welcome to Country & Smoking Ceremony, the Cultural Yarn, Q & A with the audience, and some Bush Tucker to enjoy.

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