The Yabby Trap Roundup is collecting all old, illegal and unwanted Opera House style yabby traps to protect the future of fishing and the health of our waterways.
Ballina Shire Council's Customer Service Centre is your local trap drop spot for the Yabby Trap Roundup from Friday 1 March 2024 for two weeks until Friday 15 March 2024.
Participating is easy! To trade in your old trap, simply break it down, bring it into the Ballina Shire Council drop spot at 40 Cherry Street, Ballina and you'll receive a FREE Oar-Gee Plow fishing lure.
Every trap collected will then be recycled into useful products for the fishing community, with the proceeds being used to support habitat restoration. This not only addresses the issue of abandoned and illegal traps but also contributes to the overall health of our waterways.
The Yabby Trap Roundup program is an initiative of TierraMar in collaboration with OzFish and the NSW DPI.
For further information visit ozfish.org.au/projects/yabby-trap-round-up/