On 28 October 2022, Yao Yuan spoke at the conference in Rome on "Understanding national security concerns in light of FDI screening", jointly organized by Università Telematica internazionale UNINETTUNO and Uppsala University.

In the context of economic and geopolitical uncertainty, many countries intensified their screening of foreign investment in a hasty effort to protect strategic interests. This conference was devoted to address the concerns as regards lack of legal certainty in implications of FDI screening under the grounds of "national security", "strategic interests", "critical infrastructure", "public order" and concepts of the like.
Yao Yuan discussed different interpretations of economic security considerations under the FDI screening systems of the EU, US, and China. She would further investigate whether economic security considerations should be included in the scope of national security within the context of FDI screening, and how to differentiate legitimate national security from protectionism.
The conference program is available at https://bit.ly/3f6anTF.