Yarra Centre Pool To Undergo Maintenance

Yarra Ranges Shire Council


Pool facilities at the Yarra Centre in Yarra Junction will be closed from close of business 30 March 2025 until 31 May 2025 due to upgrades and maintenance.

Other facilities at the Yarra Centre, which includes the gym, group fitness room and basketball court number 2, will still operate as normal. Rectification works on court number 1 will continue.

These works are part of normal scheduled maintenance to ensure the facility remains safe and operates efficiently to meet community needs and expectations.

The key works being completed over this time include:

  • Replacement of all three swimming pool liners
  • Replacement of pool tiles and gutter grates
  • Repairs of all pool handrails and steps
  • Changes to some swimming pool features
  • Complete re-painting of the pool hall, bathrooms and change areas
  • Replacement of the end-of-life pool filtration system to enhance water quality
  • Installation of ultraviolet water treatment disinfection systems
  • Replacement of the swimming pool heating circulation system

Current pool users who have a Yarra Ranges Belgravia Leisure membership or are casual users of the Yarra Centre pools will be able to access the pools at Monbulk Aquatic Centre and Jack Hort Indoor Pool in Healesville.

Belgravia Leisure have been in contact with members and participants to help find alternative options for GoSwim swimming lessons and aqua aerobic classes.

Yarra Ranges Mayor, Cr Jim Child, said that the necessary upgrades would mean that the facility would be better equipped for community use when it is ready to open again in June.

"We certainly acknowledge that this will cause some disruption to pool users during the time works are undertaken, and hope that the alternative arrangements that have been put in place can alleviate at least some of that disruption," Cr Child said.

"What community members will come back to after the works though will be a safer and cleaner pool area, and just a nicer space overall to visit and be active.

"We thank the community for their patience while the works take place."

Belgravia Leisure are committed to supporting their staff, members and guests during these maintenance and upgrade works. They look forward to being back better than ever, ready to serve the community.

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