Yarragon Park Formally Named Angela Malacarne Park

A Yarragon park will be formally named Angela Malacarne Park following endorsement at this afternoon's Council meeting.

The transformation of the Rollo Street park, which was the former primary school, has been underway since October last year.

The $1.77 million project is a joint venture between Council and the State Government, with a $1.52 million investment by the State Government through its Growing Suburbs Fund.

The project will deliver a new loop walking path, seating and picnic tables, a drinking fountain, bike racks, rain gardens and new plants and trees.

Ms Malacarne was a teacher at the former Yarragon Primary School for nearly 40 years and has lived in Yarragon for the majority of her life and taught hundreds of Yarragon students.

While most commemorative names are granted posthumously, the Registrar of Geographic Names Victoria granted a rare exemption in recognition of Angela's long-standing connection to the site and contribution to Yarragon.

At the 4 December 2024 Council meeting, Council endorsed the name 'Angela Malacarne Park' and a consultation period took place to receive community feedback on the proposal.

Council voted unanimously to name the park after Mc Malacarne.

Baw Baw Shire Mayor Cr Danny Goss said this move was a first for Council and thanked the community for providing their thoughts on the proposal.

"There aren't too many people in the Yarragon area who aren't familiar with Ms Malacarne, who taught at least 800 local children during her 38.5 years as a teacher at the Yarragon Primary School, the primary school she also attended herself," Cr Goss said.

"I am very much looking forward to seeing the many benefits this new park will bring to our local community once the reconstruction is complete."

The first stage of works at the site are expected to be finished at the end of April 2025 with further works set to be completed by November 2025.

An official park opening will follow.

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