Yellow Rock Road Upgrade Receives Federal Funding Boost

Shellharbour City Council has welcomed a $5 million funding commitment from the Australian Government under the Safer Local Roads and Infrastructure Program (SLRIP) to match Shellharbour City Councils $5.9 million contribution for the much-needed upgrade of Yellow Rock Road in Tullimbar.

The funding will enable Council to commence the next stage of the upgrade, delivering more than 600 metres of improved road infrastructure, starting from the Illawarra Highway.

Shellharbour City Mayor Chris Homer acknowledged Member for Whitlam and National Minister for Financial Services Stephen Jones for the significant contribution from the Safer Local Roads and Infrastructure Program.

"I would like to thank the Federal Government and Minister Jones for supporting this much-needed funding boost," Mayor Homer said.

Caption: The upgrade of Yellow Rock Road has received a $5 million funding boost from the Australian Government. Image courtesy of Shellharbour City Council.

"This upgrade marks a crucial investment in Albion Park's future, delivering safer and more efficient infrastructure to support the growing community."

Key features include road widening, new kerbing and guttering, surface re-grading, additional car parking spaces, and upgraded intersections and access points.

Pedestrian safety will be improved with the construction of a pedestrian refuge and shared path, as well as upgraded lighting, stormwater infrastructure, signage, and line markings.

"This is an important project for the community to improve an outdated road by reducing hazards and enhancing pedestrian mobility especially for residents with limited mobility and parents with strollers," said Mayor Homer.

"The project is also going to create local employment opportunities during construction, benefiting contractors and suppliers and supporting ongoing job creation."

The Yellow Rock Road upgrade forms part of Council's ongoing commitment to enhancing infrastructure and safety for all residents.

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