Yemen: Decade of War, Lifelong Loss

The United Nations

Marking a decade of war in Yemen, Othman Belbeisi, Regional Director for Middle East and North Africa at the UN International Organization for Migration (IOM), highlights the resilience of its people, the deepening humanitarian crisis, and the urgent need for global action.

Ten years. That's how long Yemenis have been putting their lives on hold - through airstrikes, through hunger, through loss. A decade of war has left Yemen's infrastructure in ruins and its people exhausted. And yet, as the eleventh year begins, the world seems not to notice Yemen's plight.

Today, close to 20 million people in Yemen depend on aid to survive. Nearly five million remain displaced, pushed from one place to another by violence or disaster. The international community, once moved by the staggering images of war and suffering, has switched its focus to new emergencies. But for those who work in Yemen - and for those who live this crisis every day - the story is far from over.

Ten years. That's how long Yemenis have been putting their lives on hold - through airstrikes, through hunger, through loss. And yet, as the eleventh year begins, the world seems not to notice Yemen's plight.

No one feels this reality more deeply than our Yemeni colleagues, who have remained at their posts through it all to help their own people. Many have worked through airstrikes, instability, and loss, all while worrying about the safety of their families. Now, with rising tensions and deepening funding cuts, they fear for their jobs too. Unlike most of us, they don't have the option to simply start over. They can't rely on savings or opportunities elsewhere - their passport alone often determines how far their future can stretch.

This is the daily reality in a country that, too often, is reduced to headlines about war. But Yemen is so much more than a crisis zone. It is a place of stunning landscapes, ancient cities, rich traditions, warm hospitality and the kind of food that stays in your memory long after you've left. But these aren't the stories that make headlines. Instead, Yemenis are seen only through the lens of conflict and poverty. It's time we remember the people behind the statistics.

Like Basma, a mother from Al Hodeidah who was forced to flee with her children to Al Makha in search of safety and water. She used to walk for hours every day just to fill a few jerrycans. Her youngest child once fainted from thirst while waiting in the heat. For years, clean water was a dream until a recently completed water project finally brought some relief to her village.

IOM Video | Yemen: Ten Years of Crisis and Why We Must Act Now

Or Ibrahim, a 70-year-old man displaced by heavy floods in Ma'rib. When the waters swept through the settlement, he carried his adult son, who lives with a disability, on his back to safety. They lost everything - their shelter, belongings, and sense of stability - butIbrahim never complained. He focused only on finding help for his son. Now, they live in a temporary tent exposed to the elements, dependent on aid that may not arrive in time or at all.

Or Mohammed, a young man from Ethiopia who crossed deserts and conflict zones with nothing but the hope of reaching a better life. He never made it to the Gulf. Instead, he found himself stranded in Yemen - detained, beaten, and left without food or shelter. By the time he reached IOM 's Migrant Response Point, he was weak, traumatized, and desperate to go home. The only option left was to register for voluntary return - a journey home that many others never get to take.

Yemenis are not just victims, They are survivors, caregivers, builders, teachers, mothers, fathers, and children with hopes and ambitions like anyone else.

These are just three among millions of lives caught in the margins of this protracted crisis. One of the poorest countries in the Arab world is getting poorer - not because of its people, but because the world is slowly turning its back. This war didn't start yesterday, but its consequences grow heavier by the day. Yemenis are not to blame for what is happening in the world, and yet, they bear the weight of it all. They don't need our pity - they need our solidarity. Let this be the year we turn empathy into action.

As the international community gathers in conferences, makes pledges, and sets priorities, Yemen must not be left behind. Yemenis are not just victims. They are survivors, caregivers, builders, teachers, mothers, fathers, and children with hopes and ambitions like anyone else. But words alone will not keep people safe, fed, or sheltered. Don't let these conversations remain just talk - Yemen needs action. To look away now would not just be a failure of diplomacy - it would be a failure of humanity.

Originally published on IOM Blogs on 26 March 2025.

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