The next generation of farmers have travelled from across the state to discuss the future of agriculture in Dubbo.
Representatives from NSW Farmers, the Young Farmers Council and Young Farmer Advisory Committee representatives came together to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the sector, and share stories of success.
Rolanda Clout-Collins, a young farmer and accountant from Scone in the Hunter valley, said it was critical there was a strong future for agriculture.
"Farming produces the food we eat and the fibre we wear, so really we all have a stake in making sure we have a strong agricultural industry no matter where we live," Ms Clout-Collins said.
"With the high price of fuel and fertiliser and the price of land going up, there's a lot of barriers to entering the industry as a young farmer, but I'm thankful we're seeing a lot of tenacious people tackling the problem head-on.
"It was good to learn about the young farmer loans from NAB, the young couple creating a niche by milling their own certified-organic wholemeal flour, and the people like Mitch Highett who have made their own hybrid farming models."
Like many young farmers, Ms Clout-Collins earns an income off-farm as an accountant while still doing that important agricultural work, and the group discussed the importance of being business-savvy and finding ways to grow their enterprise.
"There's good money to be made working in agriculture, and it is almost more of a lifestyle than a vocation, we just love it," Ms Clout-Collins said.
"We're keen to see more young people enter the industry and take up those great opportunities to help grow the world's best food and fibre.
"It's critical that the young farmers of today have their say on the sector of tomorrow - I'm pleased to say we've got some good heads getting involved in driving our industry forward."