Young Researchers Win Scholarships for Swedish Conference

NASP and The Swedish Suicide Research Conference (SSRC) is excited to announce the recipients of its early-career researcher scholarships. These scholarships aim to support promising researchers by providing financial assistance to attend the conference and present their work.

In 2025, ten scholarships were awarded to outstanding candidates from Sweden, Belgium and the United Kingdom. The selection process was competitive, with applications evaluated based on their scientific quality, novelty and relevance to the conference.

"We hope that the support and visibility this scholarship offers to young researchers will enable them to make impactful contributions to the field of suicidology and suicide prevention", says Sara Sütori , project manager for the SSRC.

Scholarship recipients

List of SSRC scholarship recipients 2025
NameAffiliationTitle of presentation
Mahmoud AzzamLund University, The Region Skåne Committee on PsychiatryExperiences of Self-Stigma Among Individuals Who Have Attempted Suicide
Benjamin ClaréusKristianstad UniversityDo Time Trends Appear in Specific Non-Suicidal Self-Injurious Behaviors and Their Psychological Correlates Among Adolescents Across Two Decades?
Fredrik JohanssonKarolinska InstitutetSex- and age-specific risk indicators of suicide: occurrence and association with suicide across the life course
Tyra LagerbergUniversity of OxfordExternal validation of the Oxford Suicide Assessment Tool for Self-harm (OxSATS)
My LindbergThe Region Skåne Committee on PsychiatryInpatient Suicides in Swedish Psychiatric Settings - A Retrospective Exploratory Study from a Nursing Perspective
Alicia NevrianaKarolinska InstitutetThe association between perimenopausal depression and suicidal behaviours
Thi Thuy Dung NguyenKarolinska InstitutetInvestigating the genetics of sex difference in Medically Serious Suicide Attempt
Beau Michele NieuwenhuijsVrije Universiteit BrusselIdentifying subgroups of older men and women at high risk of suicide: a latent class analysis by gender
Christina NilssonÖrebro UniversityLoss of human life - lived experiences of suicide survivors and professionals: a phenomenological and participatory action research study
Säidi Margot Idun OvoxLinköping UniversityPeering into the deadliness of suicidality through life-world research

"We are thrilled to support these researchers at the start of their careers," says Sara Sütori. "Their innovative work and dedication to advancing knowledge are inspiring."

Swedish Suicide Research Conference

The SSRC is organised by the National Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention (NASP), at the Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics (LIME) and Region Stockholm, with financial support from Forte.

The conference will take place May 6-7, 2025 at World Trade Center Stockholm. The SSRC aims to establish a new scientific platform where researchers from various fields with a shared interest in suicide research can exchange knowledge, discuss scientific methods, build networks, initiate collaborative projects, develop their skills, and influence evidence-based policy.

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