Youth Activation Group Invites New Members

City of Mount Gambier is calling on passionate young people aged 15 to 25 to join the Youth Activation Group (YAG), a volunteer group dedicated to planning events, organising activities and advocating for youth issues within the local community.

In partnership with Council, the group aims to make Mount Gambier a vibrant and welcoming place for young people to live, work and study.

"Are you, or do you know, a young person looking to make a real difference in our community? Do you have ideas, energy, and a passion for advocating for youth issues? Joining YAG is a fantastic opportunity for young people to contribute to their community, develop valuable skills, and make lasting connections," Mount Gambier Library Team Leader Children's and Youth Services Erin Jones said.

Specialised leadership training for the YAG will be conducted this year to support new and existing members in developing a vision for the future.

"This is an important opportunity to shape what the YAG will look like going forward and what sort of activities the group will focus on. The future is in your hands and it is time to think strategically," Mrs Jones said.

Following a re-launch in 2023, the group utilises a dedicated youth room within Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre where they have recently explored and implemented ideas to activate the purpose-built space.

Reflecting on her time participating in the Youth Activation Group, current YAG member Jannika says it is worthwhile joining.

It's certainly worth it because you also get to talk to amazing people and you get great opportunities, and it's beautiful to create something to help other people as well.

- YAG member Jannika

Why join the Youth Activation Group?

  • Gain valuable skills in leadership, teamwork, and advocacy through specific training opportunities,
  • Have a voice in shaping the future for young people in Mount Gambier,
  • Organise and participate in exciting events and activities,
  • Develop hands-on experience in event planning, budgeting, and community work - valuable for future job and study applications, and
  • Option to receive SACE points (if applicable).

Who can apply?

  • People aged 15 to 25 years (applications from those under 15 will also be considered),
  • Passionate and motivated individuals from all backgrounds and perspectives, and
  • Those who can commit to regular meetings during school terms and actively participate in the group's activities.
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