'Youth Nature Crew' Cleans Up Horsham

Horsham Youth's "Youth Nature Crew" returned last week with a popular event for Clean Up Australia Day.

Organised by Horsham Youth, Wimmera Catchment Management Authority and Horsham Urban Landcare, the Youth Nature Crew is a monthly gathering for 10 to 18-year-olds to share their interest in local flora and fauna, gardening and the environment.

With the February gathering date falling close to Clean Up Australia Day, the group set to work clearing areas along the Wimmera River of litter, while taking time along the way to watch local wildlife and birdlife, identify plants and fungi and discuss the importance of local ecosystems.

"It was great to see the passion and care for the area by participants," Youth Services Planning and Engagement Officer Alicia Drew said.

"Taking pride in tidying up an area that is very special to local people, especially one that receives so much traffic is a rewarding experience."

The next event is scheduled for Thursday 20 March. This event will coincide with World Frog Day and will feature a guest speaker to educate the group on frogs and look for them in their natural habitat.

The Youth Nature Crew is always looking for new participants, and the program is directly catered to the interests of the group. Attending is free, you only need to bring a hat and a bottle of water.

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