Youth Profile 2024 Reveals Key Insights on Ballarat Youth

The key issues being faced by Ballarat's young people are now clearer after an initiative led by the City of Ballarat.

The 'Youth Profile 2024' was adopted by Ballarat City Council this week, outlining the leading challenges confronting young people in Ballarat.

The Youth Profile was last updated in 2022, with the current Youth Strategy 2022-2026 highlighting a need for periodic updates to ensure the City of Ballarat continued to meet the needs of young people in the municipality.

A young person is classified as being aged 12-25, which accounts for more than 16 per cent of the Ballarat population.

Among the key findings were:

  • Mental health remains the number one chronic health condition for young people aged 18-24 years.
  • Youth unemployment rose to 13.6 per cent in July 2024. This figure has more than doubled in a 12-month period.
  • Loneliness is a prevalent concern for young people.
  • Of the total Victorian homeless population, 25 per cent are aged 12-24 years.

The Youth Profile will be formally launched at a Future Forward Youth Forum at the Ballarat Town Hall on Monday 31 March.

The forum will provide young people the opportunity to have their voices heard on the issues that most matter to them, also bringing together industry experts and people interested in youth development.

The City of Ballarat's Youth Services team will use the Youth Profile, as well as insights gained from the forum, to guide future strategies to best address the needs of young people in the municipality.

City of Ballarat Councillor, Samantha McIntosh said the Youth Profile was a vital piece of work to gain the best insight into the city's young people.

"Young people are an enormous part of Ballarat and will be the group who shape the future of the city," she said.

"It is so important that we listen to them and understand the issues they face today, so we can plan for their future.

"I look forward to the Future Forward Youth Forum and encourage people to come along to hear from the people who will shape Ballarat's future."

To register to attend the free forum, visit the Future Forward Youth Forum Humanitix page.

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