Youth to Shape City's Services Future Agenda

Parramatta's residents are being encouraged to have their say as City of Parramatta prepares to improve its future engagement with young people.

The Youth Inclusion Framework 2025-2028 is designed to help Council deliver best-practice service and better youth engagement, so young people aged 12-24 years old, are included in future decision making to help shape the future of the City.

City of Parramatta Lord Mayor Cr Martin Zaiter said decisions made by Council today impact young people now and into the future.

"Young people are our future, so when we hear from them during our decision-making process, we make better long-term decisions," Cr Zaiter said.

"Around 37,000 young people live in Parramatta, and I am proud that City of Parramatta is and always will be a place where young people are valued, supported and empowered to thrive.

"We have an ambitious vision to deliver by 2050, so the decisions we make today will have a huge impact on young people's future."

A 4-week public exhibition period will allow the whole community to provide feedback. This is in addition to more than 700 young people and community members, and 19 service providers who were consulted in the development of the framework.

We encourage all community members to have a say, regardless of age, including young people, parents, teachers, youth workers, residents and businesses.

To have your say, please visit the Participate Parramatta. Submissions open on Monday 17 March, 2025 and close at 5pm Monday 14 April, 2025.

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