Youth Twilight Markets To Return


Locals between the ages of 12 and 24 are invited to showcase their talents at the upcoming Youth Twilight Markets.

The markets will be held in Sturt Park between 4pm-7pm on April 10 to mark Youth Week 2025.

Young people are encouraged to display their talent in whatever medium they see fit, such as live music, art and craft, or food stalls.

It will be the second time the markets have been held, with last year's event well supported.

"We had around a dozen stalls selling craft, jewellery, candles, drawings, and art works. There was some amazing work and locals loved seeing it all on display," said Council's Community Development Officer, Alison Howse.

"There were also two bands playing along with four solo artists, it was great entertainment and made for an excellent day in the park."

Council will also run two-hour workshop for young beginners in small business and the music industry (subject to public interest).

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