Yukon First Nation Tourism Gets $1M Boost

Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency

Yukon First Nation businesses and organizations play a crucial role in creating jobs and generating economic opportunities in the territory.

Today, Dr. Brendan Hanley, Member of Parliament for the Yukon, on behalf of the Honourable Gary Anandasangaree, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs and Minister responsible for CanNor, announced over $1 million to support three First Nation-owned projects in the Yukon. With this funding, these organizations will acquire and develop infrastructure to enhance business and cultural tourism opportunities and create space to train and support artisans as they build careers in the cultural industries.

Through these strategic investments, the Government of Canada, through CanNor, is supporting initiatives that expand the participation of northern Indigenous communities and businesses in economic opportunities, thereby strengthening the economy. These projects align with CanNor's Inclusive Diversification and Economic Advancement in the North (IDEANorth) program objectives by supporting small-scale infrastructure development that helps communities capitalize on economic opportunities.

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