20 Boldest Ideas For Growing Food In Space-and On Earth

After an intense first phase with 44 teams, we're celebrating the 20 teams moving forward in the ReThink Food Challenge! These teams stood out for their innovative, impactful, and creative solutions that push the boundaries of food production in space and on Earth. Their ideas not only address the constraints of farming in extreme environments but also provide promising solutions for tackling global food security and sustainability challenges.

Growing food in space comes with unique challenges. Without access to soil, natural pollination, or large water reserves, agriculture must be fully controlled, efficient, and waste-free. Every drop of water must be recycled, nutrients precisely dosed, and crops must thrive under artificial lighting. Limited energy supplies also mean farming systems must be highly efficient.

Yet, innovations developed for extraterrestrial farming are already transforming food production on Earth. Urban farms now rely on hydroponic and aeroponic techniques originally designed for space, drastically reducing water use while maximising yield. Meanwhile, fermentation-based proteins, once intended to sustain astronauts on long missions, are fuelling a new wave of sustainable food alternatives. Circular waste systems, essential in space where nothing can go to waste, are inspiring cities to convert organic matter into valuable biofuels, compost, and fertilisers. By pushing the limits of food production in extreme environments, these technologies are helping create resilient and efficient food systems for the future.

Participants during the Kick-off event in January

What sets the top 20 teams apart?

The teams moving forward in the ReThink Food Challenge are not just developing solutions; they are reimagining entire food systems. Their ability to integrate different approaches, adapt ideas for both space and Earth, and prioritise sustainability is what makes them exceptional.

One defining trait of these teams is their ability to combine multiple technologies into seamless, self-sustaining food systems. Rather than focusing on just one aspect of food production, they merge techniques like indoor farming, alternative protein development, and waste recycling. SynerGrown, for example, integrates alternative protein cultivation with indoor farming to create a fully circular food ecosystem. The COOKS take a different approach, reinventing not just what we eat, but how meals are prepared in space, ensuring astronauts have practical, nutritious food options for long missions.

Beyond technological integration, these teams bridge the gap between space and Earth's food challenges by ensuring their innovations have real-world applications. Automation-driven farming solutions, like those from GrowBot and Kuasar, aim to reduce labour needs and improve efficiency-making them just as relevant for high-tech greenhouses on Earth as for extraterrestrial farms. Meanwhile, AstraAlgae and MariMars explore protein production in extreme environments, developing techniques that could help address food security in arid and resource-scarce regions on our planet.

Sustainability is at the core of every successful project, and these teams have demonstrated a commitment to resource efficiency and circular food systems. NanoNest and BugCycle tackle waste management by transforming organic byproducts into valuable resources, ensuring that no material goes to waste. VIProteins and Ulferment are rethinking protein production through fermentation, creating sustainable alternatives that require minimal inputs while delivering high nutritional value. Their work reflects a deep understanding that the future of food must be circular-minimising waste, optimising resources, and making every input count.

The Road Ahead

The journey isn't over yet. The top 20 teams now enter the Validation Workshop, where they will refine their solutions, receive expert guidance, and test the feasibility of their ideas. This phase is critical for strengthening their concepts and proving their potential impact.

Next comes Demo Day, where these teams will showcase their progress and compete for a place among the top 10 finalists. The road ahead will be demanding, but these teams have already shown they are ready to take on the challenge. By rethinking how we grow food in extreme conditions, they are not just shaping the future of space farming-they are redefining the future of food on Earth.

Stay tuned for the next phase of the challenge!

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