Canada's First Large-Scale Bioinnovation Centre Launched

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

March 20, 2025 · Dartmouth, Nova Scotia · Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)

Strengthening the biomanufacturing sector creates opportunities, supports Canadian production and moves our country towards a more sustainable future. The Government of Canada is investing to help position Nova Scotia as a leader in life sciences, clean tech, health tech and precision fermentation.

Building a world-class facility for biomanufacturing, clean tech

Today, the Honourable Darren Fisher, Member of Parliament for Dartmouth - Cole Harbour, announced a $5 million, non-repayable contribution to Neptune BioInnovation Inc. to establish a multi-user bio-innovation hub and Contract Manufacturing Organization (CMO). The announcement was made on behalf of the Honourable Anita Anand, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry.

The funding will help transform an underutilized facility in Dartmouth into a fully-equipped multi-user space for innovation and industry that will enable Canada to compete globally, strengthen domestic supply chains, and foster biotechnology advancements across critical sectors. It will provide shared industrial space, contract manufacturing, spray drying, and precision fermentation up to 100,000L, enabling companies to scale locally instead of leaving Canada.

A one-of-a-kind facility in Canada, the Neptune BioInnovation Centre (NBC) will encourage biotechnology advancements in areas such as smart materials, bioplastics, functional foods, green chemicals, therapeutics and alternative proteins. It will attract users locally and from across Canada and globally. As NBC grows, there will be job creation, measurable progress toward sustainable development goals and a stronger domestic supply chain to address environmental and human health challenges.

Today's announcement further demonstrates the Government of Canada's commitment to support innovation, keep manufacturing and Intellectual Property at home, attract investment and strengthen the national economy.

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