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EU, Egypt Partner for €1B Macro-Financial Aid, Private Investments
Mongolia's Election Fair, Yet Marred by Ruling Party Bias: Observers
PRIDE In Research
Police Update 1: Murder Charge At Innisfail
Kenyan Police Accused of Killing Protesters, Witnesses Say
Police Update: Serious Assault Charges At Beenleigh
Graceful Exit: Realistic Approach to Replace Biden as Nominee
Beginnings Of Fashion: Why Do We Wear Clothes?
Operation Purple Targets Antisocial Driving in Manawatū
Giant Clams' Secret to Boosting Solar Energy Efficiency
Burkina Faso Crisis, Climate Refugees, Afghan Women's Rights: UN
MIT Motorsports Upholds Tradition with Group Stretches, Hitting Roman
IMF Completes Multiple Reviews, Boosts Moldova's Resilience
NASA Unveils Winners of First Human Lander Contest
Georgia Urged by PACE to Repeal Foreign Influence Law Immediately
Research Ties Certain Gut Microbes to Global Type 2 Diabetes
Haiti's Capital Health System Teetering on Edge
NASA Opportunities Boost Growth, Entrepreneurship for Bronco Space Club
IU Indianapolis Enhances Economic, Societal Impact Research
Climate Change Swiftly Affecting Canadian Farming: Western U
UN Rights Chief Demands End to Economic Violence on Women
Aston University Sets New World Record for Data Transmission Speed
Caltech Unveils New Technique for Crisper Computational Microscopy
Volker Türk Urges State Overhaul of Laws Encouraging Female Economic Violence
In Space Production Applications News
SFU Study: Fear, Lack of Signal Deter Female Trail Runners
UN: Global Goals Report Card Gives World Failing Grade
Penn Medicine Probes TBI-Dementia Link with $10M NIH Grant
Repetitive Motions Often Cause Work-Related Nerve Injuries
Scientists Baffled by Bright Tiny Objects from Universe's Dawn
Empathy: Key to Human Flourishing, Minimally Good Life
Durham's Community Sport Programme Receives National Recognition
Brands Suffer from Corporate Social Misbehavior, Study Finds
Eight Food Firms Expand in Southern Ontario
20% of Young Adults Ignore Hand Hygiene at Festivals
Air Force Focus: Flight Academy, Reserve Chief's Testimony, Medical Readiness
Undergrads Crohns Breakthrough May Improve Treatment
Medical Researcher Reveals Systemic Failures Behind ICE Detainee Deaths
Extreme Heat Urges Coordinated Action
Federal Science Agency Funding Hits 25-Year Low
WHO, Partners Debut Global Child Health Dashboard
Cross-Disciplinary Creativity on Display at Penryn Campus
Arts Research Enhances Knowledge of Partner Violence in Pregnancy
Art Study Sheds Light on Pregnancy Partner Violence
Mothers Cognitive Issues Elevate Alzheimers Risk
3D Modeling Tech Restores Cultural Properties with Precision
EU Commission Boosts Higher Education Cooperation With New Funding
Mars Quakes Unveil Daily Meteorite Hits: New Class Discovered